Update 01/15/2022 5:30pm:

Previously, the rape accuser of Kenneth Petty—Nicki Minaj’s husband dropped her lawsuit against Petty and the rapper after accusing her of intimidation about the allegations against Petty. Now, it appears lawyers on the accuser’s side are attempting to withdraw from representing her.

Court documents surfaced showing that two attorneys who were representing Jennifer Hough requested that the courts withdraw them from being mentioned as her representation. Take a look above.

Original 01/13/2022 3:04pm:

Nicki Minaj's husband's rape accuser has voluntarily dropped her harassment lawsuit against the rapper after previously accusing her of intimidating her about her rape allegation against her husband, Kenneth Petty.

Jennifer Hough filed her lawsuit against Nicki Minaj and Kenneth Petty in August 2021, claiming the couple repeatedly bribed, harassed, and threatened her to remain silent. After denying the allegation, the married couple scored a slight win as the case against the Pink Friday rapper was dismissed. Nicki Minaj's lawyer has stated that his client will seek to have Hough pay Nicki Minaj's legal fees.

"While [this] may be the end of your efforts to extort Nicki into a settlement, it is just the beginning of Nicki's and my efforts to make you pay for your disgraceful conduct," Judd Burstein wrote in the email to Hough's attorneys. "You forced my client to spend over $300,000 in fees to defend a case which even my Labradoodle, Gracie, could see was frivolous on both the facts and the law."

While the case against Nicki Minaj was voluntarily dismissed, the allegations against Petty are still pending. As of now, no reason was provided for why Hough only dropped the rapper from the lawsuit.

Source: TMZ