About one year ago, Go Yayo aired out an occurrence on Instagram Stories in which multiple police cars were hot on his trail. The dramatic police car chase ended with his arrest. The Texas native has been jailed ever since and today he finally received his official sentence.

The 25-year-old has been ordered to serve 41 months in prison. At the time of his arrest, Go Yayo was already out on bond for five different gun charges before being held without bond on an Obstruction or Retaliation charge. The feds later picked up the rapper's gun case.

Because he was apprehended by police officers last February, he will benefit from nearly a year of time already served. This is not the "4e Til Death" rapper's first run-in with the law. When he was 18 years old he was faced with a 20-year sentence for attempted murder, but he only ended up doing one year behind bars.

For more on this developing story, keep it locked.