As the political war between Democrats and Republicans wages on it looks like the latest causality are the hopes of many Americans to gain access to a free education at the community college level. In an address to a live audience during the second day of the National Legislative Summit, First Lady Jill Biden took to the podium and shared that the latest draft of her husband's "Build Back Better" bill does will not include free tuition for students at community colleges across the country. 

A community college professor in her own right, Jill Biden has long since been a proponent of free education on community college campuses. But because of the mounting pressure to finally enact the "Build Back Better" bill, the 70-year-old New Jersey native stressed to her audience at the Washington Marriott Marquis in Washington, D.C. that concessions had to be made this time around.

“The American Rescue plan put billions into community colleges, so that they support their students. But Joe has also had to make compromises,” Jill Biden said. “Congress hasn’t passed the Build Back Better legislation yet. And free community college is no longer part of that package. We knew that this wasn’t going to be easy. Joe always said that. Still, like you, I was disappointed because, like you, these aren’t just bills or budgets to me...We know what they mean for real people, for our students and it was a real lesson in human nature that some people just don't get that.”

Stay tuned for more on this developing story.