Many were shocked to hear about the sudden release of Birdman and Slim's brother, Terrance "Gangsta" Williams last month. The brother of the Cash Money founders had spent the past two decades in prison serving a life sentence plus 20 years.
According to reports, "court records show [Williams] was plotting to kill a group of New York drug dealers in New Orleans to get paid for heroin they’d shipped by mail when the feds intercepted the package and listened as Williams hatched a murder plan. Consequently, he pleaded guilty to engaging in a continuing criminal enterprise and solicitation for murder and was sentenced to life plus 20 years."
Terrance Williams was released on Jan. 3 after being resentenced to 27.5 years. However, no reason was provided for his early release which caused spectators to question what he may have done or said to regain his freedom. In a video clip, Williams addressed the public while celebrating his release.
"I would like to address the critics," Williams said. "First of all, I [did] 23 years and 10 months. I apologize to you all if you thought I was gonna die in prison. I'm too shrewd, smart. However, I plan to answer all these questions that a lot of you social media guys, internet gangstas [that] had something to say about me."
After directing a few remarks towards one specific critic, Williams revealed that he will be doing an interview soon to clear up any misconceptions regarding his release.
"The interview coming soon, just be patient," he continued. "But right now, I'm enjoying life. [It feels] good to be free. I don't have to worry about standing up for count, I don't have to worry about lockdown, I could eat what I want, I'm's all good."
Look above to view Terrance "Gangsta" Williams' first public remarks since his release.