Twenty-six years ago, Eddie Murphy starred in a science fiction comedy called The Nutty Professor. The slapstick humor of the film captured the essence of Eddie Murphy during his prime, while also introducing the world to Dave Chappelle. The production laughed its way to the bank to the tune of $276 million in revenue but not everyone was smiling. Although the film tackled social issues in regards to fat-shaming, some people were hurt by its comedic approach, namely an eight-year-old Lizzo

In a recent interview with Variety the three-time Grammy Award winner openly admitted that she was taken aback when she first saw Eddie Murphy dawn the fat suit for his portrayal of the character named Buddy Klump. 

“It’s funny because I’m the biggest Eddie Murphy fan of all time,” Lizzo said. “But he definitely had a collection of fat-suit movies that people would be laughing at, but I would feel sad.”

She continued saying, “Not because I felt like, ‘Oh, my gosh, that’s me.’ But I had this empathy for Professor Klump (in The Nutty Professor). Like, the scene where he opens his drawer, and there are all these candies and M&Ms in his desk? I could literally cry right now thinking about it. People around me were laughing, but I hide food, too. I feel him. I feel sympathy and empathy for him.”

Lizzo often generates a buzz for herself on social media by using her weight to make people laugh with over-the-top photos on Instagram. Nevertheless, during her interview with Variety, the 33-year-old soul singer declared that there is a method to the madness because she aims to dismantle stereotypes about those who society has deemed overweight by encouraging people to embrace their physical appearance no matter what. 

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Source: Variety