The Oscars found the viral moment between Will Smith and Chris Rock, sparking many memes and think pieces. Now, ‘Saturday Night Live’ has given their take on the situation, with SNL cast member Chris Redd taking on the role of Will Smith.
The skit found comedian Jerrod Carmichael asking Will Smith how much of an influence he is to him, ahead of asking him for a selfie. Smith was down to take the selfie but heard Rock’s “G.I. Jane” joke about Jada, which prompted him to get up with a smile and head over to smack Chris Rock. From there, Smith returns happily to his seat and continues his conversation with Carmichael before screaming, “Keep my wife’s name out your f**king mouth” at Rock. From there, hilarity ensues, as people could be seen reacting to Smith and his manic gestures ahead of him, mentioning “Red Table Talk.” Take a look above.