Back in the year 2013, a San Francisco-based company called Cruise LLC introduced its brand of driverless cars to the public. Since then, the city has become a testing ground for the self-driving car. But apparently, the San Francisco Police Department didn't get the memo.

A few days ago the SFPD gave chase to a Cruise vehicle, while it was driving itself down the streets of the Richmond District, for failing to use its headlights at night. Once the officers pulled the car over and approached the driver's side, they were met with an astonishing revelation--no one had been driving the car. Much to the dismay of the officers on the scene, the entire ordeal was captured on camera by a few bystanders and the video clip has already garnered over 1.2 million views.

"Ain't nobody in it!" shouted a bystander, as the cops gazed upon the vehicle in amazement.

Before the police officers knew it, more people gathered around to mock and record the mishap. At that point, things got even more strange because the vehicle started itself up and drove off right after the cops tried to open the car door. 

When the officials at Cruise LLC caught wind of the situation, they explained that the car complied with the police by pulling itself over for a second time, shortly after it drove off because it didn't realize that it was interacting with police officers at first. Cruise LLC also issued a statement on Twitter, reaffirming its commitment to working with the SFPD in the future.

"We work closely with the SFPD on how to interact with our vehicles, including a dedicated phone number to call in situations like this," the statement read.

As of now, driverless Cruise vehicles are only allowed to operate throughout the city from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m.

For more news on this story, keep it locked.

Source: MSN