A serial attacker is on the loose in Greenville, South Carolina. His weapon of choice? A plate full of whipped cream. According to reports, the local cops have identified a man named Andre Eugene Moore-Gerald as the primary suspect for a string of assaults that began on Wednesday. Apparently, Moore-Gerald picked his victims at random and approached them while they were walking down the street before leaving them with a face full of white whipped cream. One of his victims was a woman who had been pushing her child down the road in a stroller, near the Main Street bridge.
Moore-Gerald might have gotten away with the theatrics had he not posted a photo of himself on social media holding a plate full of whipped cream. Because up until that point, the cops failed to identify him.
“He looks to be recording [the whipped cream attacks] with other people who are with him and we have later found that he’s been posting those on a YouTube channel,” said Greenville Police Sgt. Johnathan Bragg. “Right now we’re looking at this incident as an assault...People don’t wanna be touched and you shouldn’t go down hitting people in the face with anything or touching people especially when you don’t know who the person is,” Bragg said.
Police in Greenville still don't have Moore-Gerald in their custody, but they have issued a warrant for his arrest. He's being charged with third-degree assault and battery.
For more news on this manhunt, keep it locked.
Source: WSPA