Previously, footage surfaced of Mike Tyson repeatedly hitting a man named Melvin Townsend III, who allegedly was seen harassing Tyson as the boxer tried to remain peaceful. Since the footage came out and went viral, it has been reported that Townsend has an extensive criminal background. Initially, Townsend asked Tyson for a photo, all while constantly talking to him before allegedly throwing a bottle at Tyson. The alleged action is what sparked Tyson to give the man a beat down while on the plane. Now, news surfaced noting Tyson actually took pictures with fans following his altercation with Townsend. 

Via TMZ, photos show Tyson with his arm wrapped around a fan, with the two smiling. The fan seen with Mike reportedly handed the boxer a book called “Basic Economics” by Thomas Sowell due to Mike’s journey in the business world. The man who posed with Tyson for a photo described the boxer as friendly and chill. 

As of now, Townsend has reportedly hired a lawyer named Matt Morgan. The lawyer issued a statement saying, “At a certain point, Mr. Tyson clearly became agitated by an overly excited fan and began to strike him in an excessive manner. This situation could have been avoided simply by contacting the flight attendant. Our client denies throwing a water bottle prior to being struck by Mr. Tyson.” Take a look above. 

source: TMZ