In 2010, a British mechanic by the name of Malcolm MacDonald watched in horror as his penis fell off and landed on the floor, right in front of him. The cause of the incident was attributed to an infection in his perineum. Shortly after his loss, surgeons created a makeshift penis for the 47-year-old using skin from his left arm. Their intention was to relocate the manmade member to his private area in place of the original. Unfortunately for the father of two, the surgical team was forced to halt the operation, due to the lack of oxygen in his bloodstream. Therefore, MacDonald was stuck with an artificial penis hanging from his forearm for nearly six years, due to scheduling difficulties and the rise of COVID-19.
As time passed by, MacDonald eventually got used to having a fake penis on his arm, rather than in between his legs. In fact, he became so famous for his deformity that a documentary was made in his honor called, "The Man With a Penis on His Arm." But alas, earlier this year medics finally got around to administering MacDonald's long-awaited procedure. Now, he finally has his penis where it belongs.
“It was a nine-hour [operation],” MacDonald states in the documentary. “The first thing I did was look down and I was like, ‘Oh, my days. They got it this time.’"
According to MacDonald, his new equipment works better than the one he was born with because he helped design it with a team of surgeons. But, at this point, the Norfolk native is just happy to move on with his life without making headlines for the wrong reasons.
“My luck in life hasn’t been too good so far, but it can only go bad for so long, can’t it?” he added. “Can you imagine six years of your life with a penis swinging on your arm? It’s been a nightmare, but it’s gone now.”
For more on this story, hit the link below.
Source: NY Post