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Part 9: Curtbone on Rich Porter Telling Him to Watch Over Alpo, People Celebrating Alpo's Death
Part 7: Curtbone on Alpo & Wayne Perry's Killing Spree in DC, Alpo Cooperating Against Wayne
Part 1: Curtis "Curtbone" Chambers on Growing Up in DC Projects, Selling Weed at 12, PCP at 14


In this clip, Curtis "Curtbone" Chambers talks about returning to his native city of Washington D.C. upon serving his lengthy prison bid. He shares why he chose not to get back into the drug game and the role that fatherhood played in his decision to walk the straight and narrow path. As the discussion moves along, the former drug lord details his legal business venture as a party planner. Lastly, Curtbone shares his thoughts on hearing the news that Alpo, had gone back to his old stomping grounds in New York City before floating an interesting theory about the government's involvement in his murder.

Check out Curtbone on
IG: @curtbone_dc