One day after the LAPD arrested Isaiah Lee for assaulting Dave Chappelle on stage at the Netflix is a Joke festival, the District Attorney's Office announced that they would not be pursuing a felony charge against the 23-year-old assailant. From that moment on, the tide slowly began to turn in Lee's favor, legally and financially. Now, it is being widely speculated that Chappelle's infamous attacker may very well have a case if he decides to go through with a civil suit against Dave Chappelle. 

When Lee made the costly mistake of bum-rushing Chappelle during his live set, there were several security team members nearby. Instead of simply subduing the attacker in a legal manner, they proceeded to beat him unmercifully. When video emerged of Lee being carried out of the Hollywood Bowl on a stretcher, his face was noticeably bloodied and his arm looked completely disfigured. Immediately following the debacle on stage, Chappelle remerged and said, "It felt good my friends broke his arm."

That statement was captured on camera and later released by TMZ. The aforementioned events could serve as supporting evidence in a legal battle for a huge payday if Lee so chooses to take Chappelle to court over his injuries.

“Believe it or not, Dave Chappelle and his team may be facing some civil liabilities when all of the dust settles," said legal analyst Allison Triessel. "If the threat was over and he was no longer a danger and had been restrained, they can not take revenge on Mr. Lee.”

Since his arrest, Lee has pleaded not guilty to all four misdemeanor charges against him. For more on his possible legal battle with Chappelle, stay tuned.

Source: The Jasmine Brand