Adult film star, Logan Long, has passed away following a battle with pneumonia at the age of 34. The iconic actor registered over 1,000 credits over the course of his six-year career. His stint with Mike Adriano’s productions began back in 2016 and he would go on to become one of the company's leading actors shortly thereafter. The award-winning on-camera performer is best known for his work in "The Seduction of Heidi" by Adam & Even Pictures.

The news of his untimely death has already had an impact on adult film stars and industry insiders alike. 

“I am devastated hearing of Logan’s passing,” said Long's former manager, Mark Schechter. “He will forever hold a place in my heart.Having met Logan six years ago this month, bringing him onto the ATMLA roster as a new, young male rising star, we grew very close. He referred to me as Pop. I watched him mature and succeed as a top male performer. Rest in peace, my dear Logan.”

For more on this tragic news, click the link below.

Source: NY Post