The baby mother of Slim Jxmmi recently called out the rapper, hitting him with domestic violence allegations. The rapper then responded with screenshots and videos he’s taken, showing the woman in a certain light. 

The woman—Kiara, said, “He physically assaulted me while pregnant [with] my friend present, he's [broken] my phones in front of his team, screamed at me and pushed me around in front of them, and they always point fingers like I'm making him do these things.” Jxmmi responded by pulling out alleged screenshots related to the mother of his child. The woman said, “What [this] yo. You don't have to worry about us.” She allegedly continued, “We're dead now, I promise you. You don't want my son either you treat him like [s**t].”

Jxmmi went on to say, “I don't treat him bad at all,” which caused the woman to respond, “You don't love him, you don't spend time with him, and you won't even say bye to him. You let him watch me cry!!!!!” The artist then showed another video of police giving him his child. In the clip, he wrote, “Mothers only lose the baby when they are a danger to the child.” Take a look at the full comments above.