Boosie previously called out a young woman named Ramya who was allegedly expecting a child with his son Tootie Raw. The rapper noted he didn’t think the woman was pregnant and that she and her mother were trying to “trap” Tootie. Now, Boosie has taken to social media once more to call out the woman. 

Via Twitter, Boosie said “Still waitin on your pregnant pics boo boo with that baby n your stomach? R u n the hospital having the baby? What was the delivery doctor name? What hospital u gave birth at?  When u lie once u gotta keep lying baby, your momma shoulda told u that n where the other twin?” 

The frequent VladTV guest didn’t stop there, as he hopped on Instagram and showed photos of the woman where she claimed to be showing off a baby bump. “Girl u was never 🤰 u busted ‼️n I know that big baby did not come out your body #uwenttothemax fake belly n all,” said Boosie. Take a look above.