Fourteen years ago, Barak and Michelle Obama moved into the White House, making them America's first Black President and First Lady. In the two presidential terms that followed the world witnessed the maturation process of the couple's two daughters, Malia and Sasha Obama. The latter is now a 21-year-old woman with legions of fanfare and her celebrity status has only gotten bigger since she started Clifton Powell Jr, back in April. The 24-year-old filmmaker is the son of an iconic actor named Clifton Powell Sr., who recently participated in a virtual interview with the co-host of the Dear Fathers podcast to discuss fatherhood, manhood, racism and amongst other things, his son's relationship with Sasha Obama.

"Before I met [my current partner], I had been repeating the same dysfunctional mistakes with almost every relationship that I'd been in," Powell Sr. said. "Because I did not have a father to teach me a lot of things that men have to learn...So, [our relationship] has helped me talk to [my son] about how to handle Sasha Obama, because we love the Obamas, but Mr. Obama has a daughter that's dating my son, and I have an opportunity and a responsibility, to make my son responsible, gentle, kind, loving, and supportive. The things that I did not get taught."

To watch Clifton Powell go more in-depth about the dating advice that he has given his son, in regards to his current relationship with Sasha Obama, scroll up and skip ahead to the 40-minute mark.

Source: Hot New Hip Hop