On Thursday, a 12-member boyband known as Mirror performed a live set on the main stage of the E-Sports and Music Festival in Hong Kong. The show came to a shocking halt when a humongous LED screen that was hanging high above Hong Kong Stadium came crashing down and landed squarely on top of one of the group's backup dancers, amid a wave of screams from the onlookers in the crowd. The dancer sustained serve injuries and is reportedly at a hospital in critical condition. The horrific incident has prompted an investigation by the government that may last up to several weeks.

"We will do research to find out whether (the steel cable broke) due to an operational or material problem," said Kevin Yeung, Hong Kong's secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism. "It cannot currently be concluded at this stage," said Yeung, adding that the incident will affect "all future performances."

Yeung's investigation will be aided by several officials from the Labour Department in a collective effort to ascertain who is to blame for the disastrous incident.

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Source: Gulf News