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Part 19: Luenell Says She Couldn't Get Past Kevin Samuels "Snarky Demeanor"
Part 1: Luenell: Eric Holder is a Dead Man in General Population, Hopes He Rots in Hell


In this clip, Luenell spoke about her upcoming and ongoing projects, including her “Fresh Out of Favors” stand-up show that she’s currently out on tour with, and she went on to explain all of the favors that she’s given over the years. Luenell explained that she’s been giving out free tickets for years, and she stated that it’s only for her to decide. Luenell also revealed that she’s developing shows, including a late-night show to rival the men currently on the big networks.

Moving along, Luenell reacted to model Cubana Lust’s mugshot going viral because of the stark transformation over the years, and she pointed to the detriments of doing drugs. Vlad then spoke about DJ Kay Slay, who featured Cubana Lust in his “Straight Stuntin” magazine, asking what happened to the model. Luenell then shared her experience with using, which she revealed happened over the course of 8 years in the 80s and 90s. Luenell explained what led her to go down that path, and Luenell and Vlad addressed the epidemic taking over the country. Vlad and Luenell also spoke about former NBA superstar Delonte West’s struggles being widely publicized.