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Part 7: Shaun Attwood Details Taking Class on How Not to Be Raped in Prison
Part 1: Shaun Attwood on Working for a Mafia Figure in Penny Stocks as First U.S. Job


In this clip, Shaun Attwood spoke about serving a 6-year jail sentence and being deported back to the UK, and he went on to speak about life after jail. He explained that his blog was being picked up by various media outlets, and Shaun added that his dad started a YouTube page for him in 2017. Shaun added that five years ago, he started being more consistent with his YouTube page, but he admits that salacious topics involving Jeffrey Epstein led to his page getting shut down twice. This led to Shaun focusing more on his true crime stories, which he says led to him helping inmates get book deals to tell their stories. Shaun went on to warn young people about getting involved in crime, which led to him getting emotional about his mother visiting him in jail.

Moving along, Shaun spoke about his tension with Marvin Herbert, and he explained that he watched Marvin’s story and wanted to interview him. Shaun stated that he and Marvin were going to interview one another, and Shaun added that he also spoke with Marvin about publishing his book. Shaun then revealed that Marvin was doing some shady things after their meeting, and he went through with helping out Marvin. However, Shaun went on to explain that Marvin started going after him online and attacking his character. From there, Shaun spoke about live-streaming outside of his house after Marvin said that he was coming after him, and Shaun added that he’s not afraid of fighting Marvin. Shaun then spoke about Marvin continuing to go after him, including claiming that Shaun is a snitch. In response, Shaun filed complaints with YouTube, which led to Marvin getting a strike, which was followed by a second strike. After Marvin got a third strike that could possibly get his page shut down, Shaun explained that he had a moral dilemma of retracting his strikes to help Marvin. Shaun added that he didn’t get an apology from Marvin, and Shaun revealed that he will release damaging voicemails if Marvin continued to go at him.