In June 2022, it was reported that rapper Ralo was sentenced to 8 years in federal prison and could be released in less than a year. Now, Ralo has taken to Instagram to update fans and supporters on his status, dropping new photos in the process. 

The rapper posted numerous photos of himself during his time in prison and delivered an informative caption on what is next for him. “In 12 months and 9 days from today on September 4, 2023 my counselor will be putting me in for halfway house. ” said Ralo. 

He then gave more insight, saying “Them people left me in here for dead. I just wanted to show them Im alive, Im smiling, Im in great health and I can't wait to get up an shit on them everyday for the rest of my life when I land next year for trying to kick me while I was down. Im nothing like them, you already know how im comin, we starting the countdown soon as the New Year come in... ” Take a look above.
