50 Cent recently was performing and invited cast members from various shows within his ‘Power’ series to come onstage. While on stage, each cast member could be seen dapping each other up. However, when Joseph Sikora, known for his role as Tommy Egan in the original ‘Power’ series, got to Gianni Paolo, Sikora could be seen ignoring the actor. 

Paolo is known for playing Brayden, the college roommate of Tariq. Paolo put his hand out for Sikora to shake, but Sikora simply ignored him. The actor posted the footage to TikTok and was asked by a commenter, “Why he look at ya hand then look away.” Paolo said, “adults being childish 😓.” 

Another commenter wrote: “But at least you was grown about it on stage because I would’ve [stopped] the whole damn concert 😂.” Paolo said, “I respect 50 way too much to do that.” The actor then liked a comment that called Sikora’s actions “very opp-ish behavior.” Take a look above.