Seven years ago, Netflix released a heralded crime series called Narcos. The critically acclaimed depiction of Pablo Escobar and the Cali Cartel of Medellin, Colombia, opened the floodgates for Netflix financially and paved the way for the production of similar programs such as Narcos: Mexico, El Chapo and Queen of the South. As the financial gain began to pile exponentially, Roberto Escobar, the man who claims to be "successor-in-interest rights” to the Escobar family, demanded 1 billion dollars worth of compensation for the way that Pablo was portrayed in the show, alleging that Netflix deviated from the real-life events far too often with their made-for-television storyline. Now, the streaming service tycoon appears to have yet another legal battle on the horizon.
According to reports, Sandra Ávila Beltrán (aka The Queen of the Pacific) is suing Netflix for streaming the hit crime series called Queen of the South. The show concluded last year, but because Netflix owns the exclusive streaming rights, the real-life "Queen of the South" is demanding that payment of 40% of the revenue. Sandra Ávila Beltrán and her lawyer, Israel Razo, recently filed paperwork for the lawsuit with Mexico’s Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI).
“When they used my image and my name to refer to ‘The Queen Of The South,' they sought to increase the morbid curiosity of the public and to obtain a financial benefit from it,” Ávila wrote in the documents.
The 61-year-old former queenpin rose to prominence in Mexico nearly 40 years ago as a drug trafficker. She was extradited and imprisoned in the United States several decades later for her transgressions before being released in 2015. Through it all, her infamous legacy has remained intact. It's a tale that encompasses several drug cartels in various parts of Latin America, along with a plethora of subplots. Hence, her life story became a television drama created by the USA Network for the English-speaking market and Telemundo (La Reina Del Sur) for the Spanish-speaking market. The show was produced by Netflix, and it spanned six seasons.
Source: Yahoo! News