Kanye turned heads on Wednesday (September 28) night after changing his Instagram profile picture to his former mother-in-law, Kris Jenner. 

This comes after years of Kanye calling out Kris on social media, even calling her "Kris Jong Un," a comparison to North Korea's authoritarian leader Kim Jong Un. In 2020, Kanye tweeted, "They tried to fly in with 2 doctors to 51/50 me I been trying to get divorced since Kim met with Meek at the Warldolf for 'prison reform' I got 200 more to go. This my lady tweet of the night ... Kris Jong-Un."

Earlier this month, Kanye also called out Kris and claimed that she encouraged her kids to be in Playboy and porn, which Kanye says he refuses to let his daughters do. Speaking to his daughters, Kanye wrote, "Don’t let Kris make you do playboy like she made Kyle [Kylie Jenner] and Kim do. Hollywood is a giant brothel. Pornography destroyed my family. I deal with the addiction. Instagram promotes it. Not gonna let it happen to Northy and Chicago."

Now, Kanye has changed his profile picture to Kris, which he says is done out of love, as he wrote, "POSTED KRIS WITH THOUGHTS OF PEACE AND RESPECT." Kanye added, "LETS CHANGE THE NARRATIVE."