Kareem Abdul-Jabbar has delivered some scathing takes on players in various sports, with his sights usually set on NBA players. Abdul-Jabbar recently called out Kyrie Irving, referring to him as a “comical buffoon.” Before that, the legendary former Lakers player called out LeBron James over his vaccine stance. Now, LeBron James has responded to a question about the player, noting they have no connection to one another.
When asked about his chance of reaching the top of the all-time scoring record, which Abdul-Jabbar leads, the question shifted towards thoughts on the player. He was asked does he have any thoughts on Kareem and if he had a relationship with Abdul-Jabbar. James shrugged off the question, saying, “Nah. No thoughts. And no relationship.” As of now, LeBron James is the second NBA all-time leading scorer, with 37,062 points over 1,366 games played. Watch above.
Source: Twitter.com