Recently, news surfaced noting that Gunna was denied bond for the third time, with the judge saying they were worried about the possibility of witness intimidation. Now, Young Thug’s lawyer Brian Steel has spoken on Thugger being locked up, saying the rapper is “rotting.”

The outrage from the lawyer found him saying, “It is unjust that [Young Thug] rots in the County Jail and has not yet been provided complete discovery by the prosecution and is being required to wait on the appointment of counsel for co-indictees.” Steel continued, “This Honorable Court must intervene to prevent this injustice.” 

Steel accused the prosecution of using tactics to keep Thugger locked up. The lawyer said: “The prosecution continues to use this trial date as a weapon to keep Mr. Williams in custody. All of these factors weigh against denying Mr. Williams bond even though he has proven to this Honorable Court that he would be under total house arrest: electronic ankle monitor with law enforcement officers standing guard outside of his home 24 hours a day, seven days per week. Yet, no bond can be set?”

In August 2022, Young Thug was denied bond for a third time. As of now, Young Thug’s trial will take place in March 2023. Stay tuned for more updates. 

source: All Hip Hop