Over the last year, 50 Cent and Madonna have exchanged words on social media after the rapper trolled numerous Instagram posts made by the legendary singer. Recently, Madonna took to TikTok and posted a video of her lip-syncing to Baby Keem and Kendrick Lamar’s song “Vent,” which caused 50 to respond.
The rapper posted a screenshot of a photo of Madonna, along with a headline saying, “Madonna Using Rap Music for Clout on TikTok is Pathetic and Truly Disturbs My Spirit.” 50’s caption on the post said, “I told y’all grandma was on bulls**t! like a virgin at 64. LOL.
Previously, 50 clowned Madonna for thirst trap photos she posted, then apologized. Following the apology, the rapper continued to clown her after Madonna called his apology “bulls**t.”