Some physicists believe in a multiverse comprised of various timelines, outcomes, and energy. Theories like this are debatable, but what's clear is that there is a multitude of "Fake Drakes" living among us. Some are even capitalizing off of it financially. Izzy Drake (the original Fake Drake) was one of the first impersonators on social media to take full advantage of his physical similarities to the iconic rapper/singer from OVO Sound, booking appearances at clubs, a celebrity boxing match, and live interviews on popular hip-hop platforms such as No Jumper. The influencer became so popular that he eventually garnered a 'Cease & Desist' letter from the real Drake. Since then, other look-a-likes have emerged, such as Latino Drake.

A comedian named Lavar Walker recently made light of the subject by taking to Instagram and posting a collage of some of the most notable "Fake Drakes" and random guys who kind of resemble the Toronto native. He captioned the image by calling it the "Fake Drake Universe." 

Scroll up to take a look.

Source: Instagram