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In this full-length interview, rapper/businessman Bandman Kevo talks about a recent run-in with the police in Miami before outlining some of the unlawful tactics that they used during the on-camera traffic stop without a warrant. He also touches on the highly publicized $600,000 credit card cracking scheme he was allegedly involved in. From there, the recording artist shares his thoughts on the intricacies of child support and how he would approach making monthly payments if he were Kanye West and he had children with Kim Kardashian.

Moving along, he shares some business advice with Shawn Prez about how rappers should navigate their careers when they are dating someone seriously. He also talks about the YSL RICO case, his recent collaboration with Gunna, Hushpuppi's arrest for money laundering PPP Loans, and more.

Interview by: Shawn Prez
Check out his youtube channel at: