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Part 11: Loca D: The Cop that Let Latin Kings Pull Out Guns on Me Framed 51 People for Murder
Part 9: Loca D on Getting 1 Year Solitary Confinement for Knocking a Girl's Eyeball Out
Part 1: Loca D on Her Latin King Stepdad Giving Her Drugs & Molesting Her from Age 7


In this clip, Loca D spoke about being done with gangs after spending 16 years in prison and losing her mother. She explained that she was determined to make her mother proud, and Loca D spoke about going to school and not stopping until she felt like her mother would be proud. Loca D went on to explain how she avoided situations that would take her back into her old life, and she went on to speak about how her mandatory life sentence was reversed. She explained how laws were changing when Northwestern Law decided to fight her case.

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