On New Year's eve, a 38-year-old woman named Elisangela Tinem accompanied her two children to a holiday party on the beach at Praia Grande, Sao Paulo, to celebrate the beginning of 2023. With the final moments of 2022 winding down, many beachgoers shot off their fireworks, some of which were illegally obtained. That's when a tragically unfortunate fluke occurred that changed the lives of a family forever. When the clock struck midnight, fireworks went off, which inadequate caused a potent firecracker that did not belong to Elisangela to lodge itself in her clothes before exploding.
"I saw a huge flash just as it turned midnight, and I was hugging my mom, and then everyone started screaming," recalled an eyewitness named Luiza Ferreira. "I saw a woman lying on the ground bleeding when I went to look, and the boy who was with her was also on the ground. Other people were running to get away from the area."
The explosion cost Elisangela her life; her kids were on hand to see the incident, but they were not physically harmed. Local authorities are currently looking into the matter.
Source: NDTV