For many WWE fans, Jerry "The King" Lawler is commonly known as one of the voices of the "Attitude Era." When Monday Night Raw was in its heyday, Jerry was the color commentator while his partner Jim "JR" Ross, worked as the play-by-play man. Together, this legendary duo provided the vocal backdrop for some of the most iconic on-screen rivalries, such as The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin, Mankind vs. The Undertaker, HBK vs. HHH, Vince McMahon vs. DX, and more. In the decades that followed the celebrated "Attitude Era," JR and Jerry "The King" Lawler would both endure significant battles. JR's struggle with Bell's Palsy attacks has intensified over time, but this week, much of the concern was on the condition of his former co-star, Jerry Lawler, who suffered from a massive stroke on Monday. The 73-year-old remains hospitalized in Fort Meyers Florida. On Wednesday, JR took to Twitter to update the WWE universe on the status of "The King."
"I spoke very briefly with [Jerryy Lawler] tonight," JR wrote. "He’s obviously weak, but I could understand his affected speech. Jerry’s prognosis is positive, but he needs all our thoughts and prayers. #LoveYaKing"
Jerry "The King" Lawler was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame sixteen years ago. He has suffered two strokes since 2018. Thankfully, he is expected to make a full recovery.
Source: TMZ