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Part 7: Nicholas Irving on 70% Failure Rate in Sniper School: Humans are Hardest to Hunt
Part 5: Nicholas Irving on Turning First Man He Killed into "Jello" with a .50 Cal Machine Gun
Part 1: Sniper Nicholas Irving on 33 Confirmed Kills, Probably Just as Many Unconfirmed Kills


In this clip, Shawn Prez started off asking Nicholas Irving about disassociating from the killing that he did in the Army, and he asked if killers are made in the Army. Nicholas explained that he feels like he was a “born” killer, although he hadn’t experienced it yet, and he added that all the training goes out the window when you’re being shot at. Nicholas added that killing is more addictive than any drug in existence, and Shawn Prez asked if the thrill of the kill entices soldiers. Nicholas said it’s no different than the thrill of hunting, and he added that the soldiers that he went in with are different people now. Nicholas went on to speak about facing his demons after leaving the Army, and he added that they would take 2 to 3 days to drink and party to forget everything.

Interview by: Shawn Prez
Check out his youtube channel at: