In 2014 an aspiring comedian named Brando Murphy briefly rose to popularity while riding a wave of self-induced controversy surrounding his claim about being the bastard child of iconic comedian Eddie Murphy. The ending result saw the latter file a lawsuit against Brando before he finally relented and admitted that there was no relation. Three years later, an influencer named Lou G caused a stir by indicating that he was the offspring of music producer and newly anointed billionaire Dr. Dre. The co-founder of Death Row records refuted the claim publically, and shortly thereafter, Lou G's Instagram account was nearly obliterated. A few days ago, another man claiming to be the "long lost son" of a celebrity came forth when a young musician named Love Benji uploaded a video to his Instagram account and stated that he is the biological son of rap legend LL Cool J. The clip went viral because not only is Love Benji a spitting image of LL Cool J, but he shared details about a mysterious NDA that he was allegedly coerced into signing to prevent the revelation from reaching the public. He also stated that LL Cool J sends him money occasionally.
"It takes a lot of courage for me to able to talk about this now at the age that I am," Love Benji said. "They made me sign the paperwork, you know, they didn't want it to go public. This is probably around covid (2020-21). They wanted to silence me [but] ever since my mother really told me the truth. I feel like it should be public; now I need to just get this off my chest. I want to give thanks to you too, man. James Todd Smith, That's what I know him as, [my] father [and] great man. But many of you probably know him as LL Cool J. He blocked me from all social media. I tried to take trips to see him...and his beautiful wife, [my] siblings, brothers, and sisters. I never knew why I wanted to make music, why I wanted to be an actor, why I wanted to do these things. Turns out, my father is LL Cool J...I'm blessed. I'm thankful he'll send me every now and then, probably $200 a month, but it ain't about the money. He blessed me with the charm, the ladies, [and] the charisma. I really didn't want to take it here and have the blogs blow it up or nothing like that...Since he's blocking my number, I haven't heard much from him. I feel like this is how I'll be about to reach out to him. That's my truth. Let me know, Dad. Stay smooth...Blessed."
Scroll up to watch Love Benji send a direct message to LL Cool J.
Source: Instagram