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Part 21: Nicholas Irving on How He Avoids Using His Training on Everyday Civilians
Part 19: Nicholas Irving on Which "Rambo" Scene Was the Most Accurate He's Seen in a War Movie
Part 1: Sniper Nicholas Irving on 33 Confirmed Kills, Probably Just as Many Unconfirmed Kills


In this clip, Nicholas Irving explains why he would never want his son to join the Armed Forces before indicating that Army vets fight harder to get medical/financial compensation in America than they had to fight with their enemies overseas. This prompts Shawn Prez to ask Nicholas if he would do it all over again if given a choice. To that, Nicholas says that he would because he doesn't think he'd know anything, although he would have liked to have experienced college. Elsewhere in the discussion, he says that the side effects and weird dreams that he's endured are so bad he wouldn't wish them on his worst enemy. Lastly, he details the disdain that he has for the U.S. government officials that send teenagers into battle, knowing most of them would never allow their own children to do such things.

Interview by: Shawn Prez
Check out his youtube channel at: