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Part 9: Kash Doll on Why She's the More Successful Rapper in Her Relationship with Tracy T
Part 7: Kash Doll on Being Robbed of $500K Jewelry: I've Never Been Heartbroken Like That
Part 1: Kash Doll on Deb Antney Discovering Her Bad Deal, Vlad Reveals Label Boss' Drug Cases


In this clip, Kash Doll shares some details about being courted by rapper Tracy T and the events that led to the two of them having a child together. She also talks about how loving Tracy T and their son has helped her understand the meaning of true love rather than the material love she once had for her jewelry. Lastly, DJ Vlad puts Kash Doll on the spot by asking her when/if she and Tracy T are going to get married. This prompts them to broach the idea of her proposing to Tracy T instead of waiting for him to pop the big question.