Famed engineer and producer Young Guru took to Instagram a few days ago to voice his concerns over the rapid speed with which artificial intelligence (AI) is developing. Guru posted a viral clip showing a new AI-powered voice filter which can mimic anyone, but in this video it was specifically demonstrated using Kendrick Lamar's voice. 

"This has dominated my Howard group chat for a couple days,” Young Guru wrote in a lengthy Instagram post. “Ok I’m at the point where I can voice my concerns with our current state of AI. I have followed as many versions of what AI could do for some years now. I remember being at MIT and students showing me a project where they were actively feeding a computer ‘All’ the jazz records that ever existed. So that AI could analyze and create music in any style of any musician. I didn’t think we would get here this fast with the voice.”

He continued:  “Of course my mind goes to the ethical and legal aspects of what can be done with programs like Tacotron 2. You add that to the power of ChatGPT and you realize we are in a very groundbreaking but dangerous moment,” adding, “It’s not the tech, it’s the evil that men do with the tech. There are legal aspects because at this present moment you can’t copyright a voice.”

Source: Instagram.com