In this flashback, Vlad started off speaking to Melle Mel about previously saying that he could “easily” beat Eminem in a rap battle, and he explained that technically, Eminem is a great rapper. Melle Mel then added that he’s “the greatest,” and he went on to say that beating Eminem would be “the easiest thing I ever did.” Melle Mel went on to explain that he’s been rapping for years, and he shoots down people saying that he’s too old. He added that if he were to stand next to some of the rappers who people think are great, and Melle Mel says that they will see a “true legend.” Melle Mel went on to speak about how Rakim changed the game, and he brought up Eminem again, saying that he didn’t. Melle Mel explained that Eminem is a great rapper, but he questioned, “Who are the 50 top white rappers? Because they didn’t change nothing!”