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Part 11: Dr. Michael Baden on LAPD Developing the Carotid Restraint in Place of the Chokehold
Part 9: Dr. Michael Baden on Cops Being Mad at His Testimony During O.J.'s Trial After O.J. Won
Part 1: Dr. Michael Baden on How He Became "Fascinated" with Dead Bodies


In this clip, Shawn Prez started off by speaking to Dr. Baden about being involved in the autopsy of Michael Brown in 2014, who was shot by officer Darren Wilson. Dr. Baden explained his findings from the autopsy, including Brown being shot from a distance from Wilson, who claimed Brown was next to him when he was shot. Dr. Baden said that the autopsy was consistent with witnesses saying that Brown was kneeling with his head down when he was shot. From there, Dr. Baden spoke about his autopsy on Aaron Hernandez, who was found hung in his jail cell after being found guilty in his murder trial. Dr. Baden explained that both he and his wife, who is an attorney, were involved in the second trial, and Dr. Baden added that Hernandez’s family was concerned that he was killed when he was found in his cell. Dr. Baden explained that his findings in the autopsy were consistent with suicide, and he went on to speak about urging a study of Hernandez’s brain for CTE. Dr. Baden added that it was found that there were “tremendous” amounts of CTE found in Hernandez’s brain, and he added that there are high rates of suicide among people who have severe CTE.

Moving along, Shawn Prez asked Dr. Baden about reviewing the autopsy on Jeffrey Epstein after he was found hanging in his cell. Dr. Baden revealed that Epstein’s brother contacted him, as well as a lawyer for Epstein’s estate, and he stated that they were concerned that he didn’t hang himself. Dr. Baden explained that he oversaw the autopsy of Epstein, and he noticed a ligature around his neck, as well as multiple injuries in the bones of his neck. Dr. Baden stated that the injuries were consistent with homicidal strangulation, not hanging, and he added that the mark on Epstein’s neck didn’t match the sheet used in the hanging. Dr. Baden went on to speak about the doctor who did the autopsy and left the death certificate open for investigation on the cause of death, which was later determined to be a homicide by the chief medical examiner.

Shawn Prez then stated that it was strange that there were no cameras around Epstein, given the high-profile nature of his case, and Dr. Baden pointed out that the cameras weren’t working. Lastly, Shawn Prez asked Dr. Baden about consistencies in autopsies when it comes to suicidal hangings, and he explained that it comes down to specific injuries in the neck. He then compared hanging to strangulation and how they are differentiated in autopsies. Dr. Baden then spoke about Jeffrey Epstein’s case, and he explained that the guards on duty the night that he died were arrested and charged with his murder. He went on to speak about the FBI investigating Epstein’s death because he was in federal prison, and Dr. Baden explained that the charges were dropped against the guards.

Interview by: Shawn Prez
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