Bigg Money Blue, also known as Baby Blue, came through for yet another VladTV interview right after he got out of prison, and Blue added that it only made sense to come back because he did his last interview before his sentence with VladTV. When asked how he spent his last five days between his interview and turning himself in, Blue revealed that he spent time with family and worked on his car. From there, Baby Blue spoke about his ongoing lawsuit with the bowling alley, and he went on to detail his time in prison, including getting caught with a cell phone while locked up. He went on to share various stories from his time in prison, including going to the hole and getting released after a year. Vlad pointed out that Pleasure P and Spectacular Smith greeted him after his release, and Blue went on to detail going to a halfway house. Blue also addressed paying restitution, and he also reacted to Tekashi being beaten up for snitching. To hear more, including Big Money Blue speaking about being on probation, hit the full interview above.
EXCLUSIVE: Baby Blue on Serving Prison Time for $24 Million PPP Loan Fraud (Full Interview)
VladTV Staff Writer