Ed Gale's career is interwoven in the legacy of one of America's most well-known series of horror films. Born with a "short stature" medical condition in 1963, Ed starred in the original Child's Play movie (1988) as an in-suit performer for the famed Chucky doll character. In the following decade, Ed would reprise the role in a pair of sequels called Child's Play 2 and Bride of Chucky. Unfortunately for the 59-year-old actor, his actions last Friday have put an unforgettable blemish on his lengthy career in Hollywood.
On April 14th, Ed was confronted by a group known as the Creep Catcher Unit (CCU), who proceeded to present the actor with information that suggested he intended to meet with teens so that he could engage in sexual activity with them. The insurmountable evidence included printouts of online conversations between Ed and the minors he intended to get physical with. The on-camera occurence was a part of a reality show that CCU typically live streams in a formart that is presented to viewers similarly to show called To Catch a Predator .
"Did you try to solicit child pornography from him?" Asked the show's host, Ghost.
"Did you talk sexually to a minor online?' Ghost asked again.
"Yes," answered Ed who showed up to the decoy house expecting to meet with a minor.
Ed Dale then admitted to contacting approximaly 10 teenagers, on various occasion online, to solicit sexual acts. Following the episode, CCU turned their findings over to the Los Angeles Police Department. Although Ed Dale was the CCU's 353rd catch, no arrests have been made so far.
Scroll and skip ahead to the 2:47 mark up to watch the footage, but be warned the details that are revealed are disturbing.
Source: YouTube