On Wednesday, Denise Solorzano, a 26-year-old woman from Chicago, was arrested after cruising around the city's Northwest side in her white sedan and conducting a series of 'drive-by-style' attacks, with a baseball bat, on several individuals. According to reports, Denise patroled Ravenswood Manor around 11:30 am before honing in on a pair of victims, two women pushing a toddler in a stroller. Upon settling on her targets, she hopped out of the car, and the onslaught began.
"[Denise] walked toward the two women with the baby, I thought she must know them or something, or maybe she was playing a joke on them, and then I saw the woman with the bat start hitting the ladies over and over again, and the ladies were screaming," recalled Shannon Condon, a neighbor who witnessed the carnage.
Unfortunately, Denise's rampage near 4500 North Mozart Street was not the only incident of this kind. That same week she also attacked a 19-year-old woman and a 33-year-old woman after driving by the individuals with her vehicle, getting out, and beating them down with her bat for a short while before retreating to her sedan and driving off. A day after her arrest, the Chicago Police Department announced that the bat-wielding assailant had been charged with one count of felony aggravated assault, three counts of aggravated battery in a public place, and four counts of aggravated battery using a deadly weapon. In the end, Denise reportedly attacked nine people with her bat in six separate occurrences.
Source: NBC Chicago