Previously, Lil Meech was arrested in Florida after a TSA agent found a gun in his luggage. Footage of the incident surfaced and showed the actor claiming the weapon belonged to his security. Since then, a video was uploaded to YouTube by Ceddy Nash, who said Meech snitched on his little brother and his security based on footage where the actor pleaded his case to TSA agents. Now, Meech’s lawyer Bradford Cohen has fired back at the claims, calling it “clickbait.”
Via Instagram, Cohen reposted a screenshot of the video from Ceddy Nash, saying: “This is a non-story and completely inaccurate. Security was at the airport and immediately took responsibility for the firearm.”
From there, he continued, “Security is licensed, bonded, and has a carry permit. This was an error from the start, and that is why I got the case dismissed, and no one was charged. Clickbait at its finest without knowing the whole story.” Take a look above.
source: Instagram