Yung Joc went viral over the weekend after posting a video where he began to cry. In the caption of the video, Yung Joc questioned living in a world where "kids are dying before they can live in the streets."

He added, "Our homes are filled with hate because it’s all around us. Destruction is prevalent. Drugs are running rampant in our community. So many are confused. Ascension is a necessity. Let it out in front of the world. Do you ever feel like just letting it all out? Some will laugh and that’s expected. Some will tap in to see if I’m ok and that’s appreciated. I begging for mercy on all of us no soul unaccounted for. I Love You."

Yung Joc got some criticism of his video, with one user questioning why he decided to post a video of him crying, and he responded, writing, "Why not? Y'all post all that other bulls***." Joc also got support in his comments section, including from Soulja Boy, who wrote, "You got this. Stay strong 💪🏾 and focused. Crying doesn’t make you weak not being able to express yourself does."