Previously, ex-Marine Daniel Penny, the man responsible for choking out a Michael Jackson impersonator named Jordan Neely while on the MTA subway in New York, spoke about the situation, saying it “has nothing to do with race.”
Despite his claims, the family of Neely is reportedly gearing up to file a wrongful death lawsuit against the ex-Marine. Because of the chokehold Penny put on the homeless man while on the F train, the family of Neely says lawyers have been hired as they are gearing up to file suit.
A letter acquired by the New York Post confirmed the coming legal action against Penny. The letter says “Please be advised that this office has been retained . . . to pursue a claim for personal injuries and wrongful death. . . . Your action resulted in the death of Jordan Neely.” Along with that, the letter asked for the insurance information of Penny.
While speaking about the situation to the New York Post, Penny called the allegations of the chokehold being race-related “comical.” Stay tuned for more updates.
source: New York Post