Earlier this year, Lil Uzi Vert spoke on the creation of his upcoming album 'The Pink Tape,’ noting he created the project while sober. Now, DJ Drama has spoken on the sobriety of Lil Uzi Vert, saying he’s proud of him.
While talking to XXL for their Spring 2023 issue, Drama said, “We did have some conversations about that. Me, [Don] Cannon, Lake and Vert, about that personal journey.”
He continued, “Obviously, it’s not something outta respect for him I would want to share the insight on how he feels or what it was like for him, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s something that he touches on on the project.” Drama expressed gratitude and gave the Philly rapper praise, saying, “I'm super proud of him and I'm sure that for him, being able to approach the music from that aspect was eye-opening and something different, something that a mature Uzi, who's at a different stage in his life and his career, is able to accomplish.”
Previously, Uzi spoke to TMZ, saying the process of creating an album while sober was “challenging” and continued, “I thought that my creative process wasn’t going to be the same because I wasn’t on drugs anymore. Probably after a month, I got used to it.”
source: XXL