Previously, Bandman Kevo revealed he collaborated with Gunna, paying $250,000 for a feature. However, the feature was shelved following the YSL RICO controversy, along with Gunna being released from jail following taking an Alford plea. Gunna has been facing the court of public opinion, with many saying he is an informant. The claims have been denied by both Gunna and his lawyer, but that hasn’t stopped people from commenting, including his former collaborator, who asked for a “snitch refund.”
Now, Bandman Kevo has dissed Gunna while promoting the release of the track featuring the Atlanta rapper. Via Instagram, Kevo posted a photo of a still from the video for his song “Alone” featuring Gunna, saying the video is dropping next week.
However, instead of showing Gunna’s face, Kevo placed an emoji of a rat instead. Gunna has yet to respond. Take a look above.