On Tuesday, demonstrators for and against the LGBTQ+ curriculum faced off while they awaited the results of a board meeting (vote) from Glendale Unified School District intended to decide the fate of LGBTQ studies on campus. The matter reportedly centered around the highly contested notion of designating June as "Pride Month." The intense standoff culminated with a parking lot brawl where haymakers were thrown amongst the conservative group who felt that their rights were being violated as parents and gay rights supporters.
As the fight escalated, the Glendale Police were forced to show up in riot gear and threaten to use chemical agents on the patrons in order to break up the fiasco. The administrators inside the meeting were prompted to call a recess before the board could vote on the new proposition until cooler heads prevailed. In the end, the cops declared the gathering outside the board meeting as an unlawful assembly. At least four people were apprehended.
Source: ABC7