The Prince George County Police have apprehended a mother-daughter tandem named Candace Craig (44) and Salia Hardy (19) for the alleged slaying of Margaret Craig (71). According to reports, Candace killed her mother, Margaret, after the latter threatened to alert the authorities about her criminal activity regarding credit card fraud. She then enlisted the help of her teenage daughter, Salia, to cover it all up. First, the pair dismembered Margaret's carcass with a chainsaw before placing her remains on a BBQ grill in the backyard in hopes of decomposing the flesh and bones.
Ten days after Margaret was murdered, law enforcement arrived at Candace's home in Landover, Maryland, to investigate the whereabouts of Margaret after a family member she had been in contact with expressed concerns about her safety. What they discovered next was like a scene out of a horror film. Upon entering the basement, they were met with the foul smell of decomposition. Subsequently, Candace was arrested for first and second-degree murder while her teenager was hit was an accessory charge. As of now, prosecutors are unable to determine the nature of the alleged murder due to the condition of the remains.
Source: YouTube