On July 1st, the world was shocked to learn that former Wild N' Out star Ms. Jacky Oh, passed away in Miami at the age of 32. In the wake of the heartbreaking incident, she left behind her partner, DC Young Fly, and their three children. The news prompted Azealia Banks to taunt DC Young Fly with a scathing IG story for the man who once made her cry during a live episode of Wild N' Out. Although she's become known for trolling her entertainment industry rivals over the years, this message was so vengeful that it garnered the attention of celebrities like Freddie Gibbs and DC Young Fly's nephew, DC Tay, who reportedly responded with a threat for the "212" rapper.
"If I see tht azealia banks b*tch ima slap det h** out! On my soul," DC Tay allegedly wrote.
A screenshot of DC Tay's remarks were re-posted by Spade TV. Scroll up to take a look.
Source: Instagram