An upstate New York nanny was arrested after being caught abusing the 2-year-old entrusted in her care. 

Kristla Holmes said she opened her Ring camera app to find her longtime friend Chantal Mason, who was watching her child, slapping and tossing the infant around. Mason could be heard yelling, “Be quiet,” and “Lay your a** down and go to sleep." What's even more despicable is Mason could be seen resting her feet upon the child's head as they lay on the couch. 

“You can’t trust nobody. You cannot trust your kids’ godparents. You can’t trust a long friend. You can’t trust nobody,” Holmes told reporters. “Watch your own kids. Protect your own kids.”

Holmes, who pointed out her friendship with Mason spans 15 years, said she was the last person she'd suspect would abuse her child. However, that changed when Holmes received the Ring alert displaying exactly how Mason treated her infant. “She told me that he just woke up, she fed him, and he was laying on the couch watching TV,” Holmes said. “So when I checked the camera, that’s not what he was doing. He was hysterically crying.”

Mason was arrested later the same day for endangering the welfare of a child.